No definite information has been found regarding birth and death of William Rowley. His service details below suggest a probable birth date around 1870.

No definite information has been found to link Major William Henry Rowley to Radcliffe on Trent apart from his address on the Absent Voters List, 1918 and the 1918 Electoral Register where he is recorded as living on Bingham Road. His rank is given as Major and service details as Royal Garrison Artillery, No. 4 Depot. Home based depots were used as training units, to provide mobile artillery forces for use in enemy attacks and  static artillery forces for home defence. No. 4. Depot of the Royal Garrison Artillery was based at Ripon, Yorkshire.

William Henry Rowley is recorded in Forces War Records as a District Officer from 1902:

From Forces War Records

1902: Promoted Captain, 5th November, District Officer

1911: Captain, District Officer, Sheerness

1912: Promoted Major, 8th October. District Officer

1916: District Officer

From the National Archives

Served in the Armed Forces 1890-1920

Military Personnel Address on 1918 Electoral Register

Bingham Road, Radcliffe on Trent

Reasons for inclusion on Radcliffe on Trent Roll of Honour

Radcliffe on Trent address in 1918